In Romans 11:17-18, Paul likensGod's Church to a God-planted andGod-tended olive tree. Somebranches, that is non-believers, arepruned, while shoots of wild olives,meaning gentile Christians aregrafted in. The grafted-in symbolwas discovered recently on pottery on Mt.Zion, in a 2nd century A.D.assembly room.It illustrates that Jew and gentilebelong together and are one in theMessiah.The triangular base of the Menorah,which symbolizes God's Torah, and the triangular tail of the Fish, asymbol of Jesus and Christianity,interlace to create the Star of David. In some of our designs, the grafted-in emblem is embedded in acartouche (which is an Egyptian emblem symbolizing long life, goodluck, and protection from evil) toemphasize the significant role ofEgypt in the Bible. An olive tree and“Rom. 11:17” are inscribed on theback of the cartouche.